Truth's of the life are not always so easy to tell everybody specially when it reveals your identity your secret's which sometimes defines you and your doston the situation is like... Aaj aakhon main nami thi ...kuch yaadian thi jo baras rahin thi khayaalon se seems that they want to pounder into the sea of memories and that's why the way is towards your eyes read it and live friend's But before entering into my word be ready for some thrilling truth.
Ads ....
Thursday, October 26, 2006
A moment i got surprised....
Guru kumhaar shishya kumbh hai gadh gadhi kadhai khot.....Antahi hanth sahaar de bahar bahar chot.
And this was live today......
May be the perception of sandy and others is right that today i was swapped but according to me this was me who encouraged by the scene a lot....and the situation was telling that i have to sell my twenty four seven for earning my dream , and hopefully i will do.
Thank you very much........
Again a salute to you sir.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The changing orbital of my world....
So the story is about my tech life as i am always the follower of the backbenches community so it's become tough for me to coop up at the last situation..but no problem today i know that gonna change this for at least few months so that i can live properly for coming 1 year...
Ya the reality is my afraid about ADM which is going to be the toughest for this sem..and literally i don't know any thing about the subject it really want much effort from my side....
So let's start a new game of chase and win....let' see that how much time it will take to make me the winner.
Friday, October 13, 2006 in penury...
The toughest truth of the journey of life "The inheritance of money " may be this was not the topic of Kiran desai's book which claims the Booker of this year but the booker of my heart goes to this lovely truth of living in penury....
May be my eye's are wet today while writing this but this is the only truth which i am feeling my way...I want to have a bitter weep this night but i don’t that will it make me comfortable or this will be again just the flood of unnecessary emotions for a moment or twice...
Yaar .....Ok true my expenses are much larger than my earnings and that's the soul reason of my tension and worry...
One way the problem in between me and saurabh...and on the other way the financial crisis i am suffering from.....
And the third and most versatile problem is My sub and CT's...
The way is one and along the way the problems are lot...and the solution is one that my eyes want to flow for the hour's while my head want the support of my beloved...
Yaar sach i am missing you much my love..
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
My first formal presentation
And likewise the situation is going to be fore played with me as today i have the toughest presentation of MNNIT Allahabad's student life.By d way one more thing i want to add that the faculty in charge for this is one to whom we all s/w engg's admires for his way of behaving and the depth knowledge ,yes he is one and only MMGore sir.
Salute to you sir...
I know that i am not very well prepared but at least having a confidence that whatever i know i can present that extremely well if the time will make me comfortable.And rest no doubt depends on the evaluation procedure.....
So let's control the breath up to the extortion's come in the form of a great praise as a reward from Gore sir , may be the turning point of life's aim.
Monday, October 09, 2006
The epiphamy of confusion..
As today one of my colleague was seeking the clarification from on the issue which never raises from my side but it was at the verge of their side.May be the verbose attitude of mine is responsible for it or may some other reasons are responsible but the ultimate effect is that they think that i am having some short of ire as per they are in concern , but the question of thousand dollar is that why should i have the problem we are here again for fulfilling our individual desires in the comparative and relative manner so whatever is going on is not should be like this.
By d way which per my consideration is right that, the truth always comes without the if's and but's but for that i along with other have to wait and watch.
And up to then i have to bear with the situation. Love to you friends i am not at all freak as you are thinking.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Story of my second Btech
Me to was a bit confused that how i will coop up with the situation as neither i am a very much talented guy nor i am having a dying love for computers ,but what i suppose at the moment when i opted for the s/w engg as the branch is that one day we all have to move towards this stream then why not today..a bit future perception which was the exact set of mind i am having for my decision.
Then what the matter which compels me to wrote this block is some of my colleagues of my earlier penmanship are either betting on me or making me frustrated that what the combination a EI graduate and a Software postgraduate is having without thinking about the present era.No matter that how much hard work it requires but the thing which is pretty sure is this has given me a bit more charm to show that it's again a good combination to have a degree of bachelors in EI and masters in Computer's.
Good luck for me again.
Friday, October 06, 2006
The great nostalgia: And a corrupt mind
I very well know that he doesn't believe in vicarious feeling as there is no reason to do so if you are having many peoples surrounding you..and if we are selective at the cost of our convivial nature so i am agree that whatever vivek is doing is perfectly OK at least he lavish his own love life if not the life of society and why not! this is his life and he is free to do anything he want to do and whatever the peoples are saying it's their own opinion.
Ok let it be today i enjoyed 35 moments of living nostalgia as five of us were together in the yahoo conference room celebrating there togetherness even being far away from each other ...Thank to the Internet for making me so closeup to my friends when i really required them.
On the other hand i watched that people comment me whenever i talk to my parents on mobile..AREY this is my attachment and i know how to nourish that lovely relation of childhood and fatherhood.Thank to my papa mummy at least they can understand me i don't care about the others .Because once i will be happy i will share my happiness with my near dear only not to the complete word .so why to care about word..
Cheer's and maintain the GRIT as your this habit is gonna be the decisive one.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Volta face

No doubt India as well as we all Indians are under threat due to the TOPIC only as it defines the culture of Indian democracy. At one end whatever we are doing is right at the other end the same work is not well for the rest of the part.No need to go for away from the present scenario at one end the conspirator the killer is under consideration of president's clemency and at the equal par unaware and unattached people's living are under thereat due to these blast's framed the activist like Mohd Afzal .
I don't know why we are having STF ,ATS if after catching the sever and the epidemic no of criminals after such a great effort and at the cost of Indian force as well as the POLICE personals we are going to waste our time to think that it's right or wrong to give them punishment.Don't they suppose that while giving the sentence to someone who is involve in such a activity will be tribute to those who has taken the pledge that they will make the Indian land free from all such types of conspiracy and all.
No doubt that i am very much upset today while seeing that the peoples are continuously very much showing there love to human rights and all when we talk about the wrong deed's .
On one side we are investing such a large amount of money for making the India again the Vishv Guru but if the condition will sustain like this no doubt we are going to be the worst as per the consistency in the living is in concern..
In one way we are breaking our self at the level of CAST ,RELIGION, POLITICS and now the same we are doing as per the level of rules...
I surrender to you politicians for making the Indian worst....
But it's my appeal to you all "be united and show them that the day is not for away when we are going to make a real RANG DE BASANTI".
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A complete day of satisfaction....

Hi friends , sometimes it happens that in the early childhood we thought that one day we will be grown up and the things will be happen as we like to be.The same scenario was going on with me yesterday .......
What i planned for this dashara holiday that i will stay at the hostel and will make myself compatible with the CS peoples, and at certain level i was successful also..suddenly i got a call ..GHAR CHALA AA SAALE WE WILL ENJOY THE DASHARA IN BANARAS '"THE CITY OF TEMPLE'S GHAT'S AND GOD'S".Surely it was impossible for me to avoid this at any cost because i knew this very well that if today we loose the chance to meet each other certainly we are not going to meet for another one year..So it's a chance to collect few olden memories of our companionship.And here the journey begins.......
As in the previous blog i told you about the pandey who he is and for me what is his value in one word "If i am a paragraph then he is my HEADING".
So this was naria colony a residence of all BHU professors but nothing is possible without the engg so in b/w the colony a home of amarendra's father..."HEERA BHAVAN".As i tld you this meeting is not a mere simple one as after this day i know whenever we will meet we will have some amount of extra tension of our future so this meeting will be the happy ending of students era as per Pandey's story is in concern because after this he will step into the professional word..OK leave all these.........
We started the day for our journey from the KASHI VISHWANTH"S TEMPLE of BHU from where i had started my story of M tech.We are moving towards Shiva's home suddenly we got one more companion and this time the Rain drops were with us...we were till apart from the feeling that it's raining..everyone was looking us as what the hell we are doing as we had just tighten up each other..... basically i was the back seater so i was doing all these still..the story is coming out from each's heart as we know that if we will stop we will loose this day the most free day of our life when we have to live a lot for the rest of life..
By d way we got the passion and as usual watching the girls in this tiny moments and expecting that surely we are going to see someone who will have transparent wet cloth's walking on this road..and rest the fantasy you can imagine...This was simply the beginning of joy and in the sequence we go through all the famous temples and ghat's of banaras.."and i am pretty sure that before this day even pandey haven't gone to the temples so frequently".And in the complete trip we were having two stopages:
1.Wo lamhain
2.Assi ghat
I heard a lot earlier about this place but today we were not there for the historical purpose the the purpose was to stole some moments from the bag of hectic schdule of our life and that's why the topic of chit chat was the great day of pandey's life.the day when he got his first call letter.I know he is going to get many more but let's have the joy of first night of wedding.Another look for this meeting as certainly unbelievable we didn't talk about the girl .the topics we were talking about was
"yaar few days before when we go for a movie in interval we hide himself from the eyes of other so that we can have some snack's, some cold drinks ant today we are getting mature and we are having no problem to spend without any rinkle on our forehead,today we are earning man!!!!!!!!!!!Kitna badal gaya sab yaar..."
And really the situation has changed a lot we never saw the movie in the group of two and today no third one was there for accompanying us.
All the best for your next half.