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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A toughest phase of my life..........

Really the toughest phase of my life is going on as the exams going on will define the future of mine in the college of my parents matter what hard work i done for preserving it as i am not again struggling against this as with me again the wishes of my parents lord Ganesha and my friends are supporting me. Thank to God that i have such a great synchronization in my life spam.
I know that if i will make my self comfortable with the situation then the day is not for away when i will have everything of my dream at an arm's length but surely i have to work hard for this.And what i am doing this time and as usual many times to misuse the facility of internet in useless chatting and all.

This i very well know that it's of no use and once i will have a safer carrier i can do all these things again with more friends and in the real sense of friendship.Though it's tough for me to be committed in this way that in a day or two i will leave the orkut and do the sense full work of the net but one thing which i can do id that at least i can minimize the time constraints which i am using here in this way.

Hope this i can adopt and all the best to me for my carrier and the exams.

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