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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Ayodhya... when they will allow to close this...

It is five days from the very well know verdict of the Indian history... but it is still hot in the ambiance of every news paper, magazine and news channel. I am not sure if this was sometime when they really wanted to en cash them and were not able to get that ... that's why they are still trying to en cash after selling the corpus.

You talk about the people from the political party they are all feeling bad that how the majority of Indian people irrespective of their religion are happy and having no conflict about the matter and more over there are happenings when after the verdict of the court people wanted to have a out of court settlement. This is something new and that new which is color of new India is not digestible by the News paper News Agencies and Political Parties.

I hope things will go good in the near future.. but how when the system on the top is not good.

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