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Saturday, June 14, 2008

IBM : A reharshal .....

Though today i can say it again that i got two jobs one which i have already TCS and the other one whcih i had cleared twice is IBM though the happiness is again half as we dont know when we have to join like many others and unlike many others .. as few from other colleges got the joining also. SO the unpredicatablity still lies. And in the situation like this if you decide not to enjoy then i dont feel that anything wrong is in it. YOu want to make sure and then only you want to creat the Buzz so go ahead. But no people whom you count as your best budies they cant understand or partialy they dont want .....I cant say exactly but yes i have a Question in my mind can they imagine that what i am feeling when i am not having the joining date while eveyother is having, can they imagine that what i feeling that i am giving the test for the thing which i already achieved, can they imagine what i am feeling when i have to join in a company with the lower packg than that which was offered to us at the time of joining while all other has incremented the pay package, can they imagine that i have to sign a bond also which was no where in the context when i got through the company. No they cant as they dont want to think with this perspective, and yes why they should think, it is no where linked with them :( sad enough.
No idea what it is and who is wrong and what i have to do in this situation. I know some of my friends are not having job and they are in a worst situation that mine but god knows about them that something great can happen with the tomorrow as the opportunity they are having none is having.
So comparing with some one is again a wrong thing. The soul is should i really be responsive to these thoughts, should i really be the one who walks alone with all the good and bad things at his own eyes.
I cant say about others but can say to myself that "Vivek None has seen the futuer but the past says what Darvin said earlier "If you want to live fight and prove the worth otherwise go and get a deep sleep somewhere under the earth" and this is all about life."

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