I personally never felt that if we talk about the man power we are any where less than any body in the whole world though we are not as productive as others are. So where the problems lies? Does we dont know where the destiny of ours are lying, no we are no where suffering from this unknown problem of not knowing our destiny even. Then if we are not as capable as others are, certainly we are backing the system where we are living and nurturing our selves as we don't know the power of dreaming.
This is the ingredient in which we are lacking and getting degraded as we are not having any thing to desire and even if we desire we presume that it is merely a dream and there is nothing to get serious. At that point of time all the challenges to the world are over as we dont have anything to do and we are happy with the situation we are living in so ................better is to make the real life slogan of :chak de india.
O.K. let me have a question to you all...How many of us knows that what exactly they want to do in couple of the months? The ans is null or to less or contable on the fingers. The problem is that we are driven by the time and we are used to of this which is the biggest loophole in ours. We thought that the time will tell that what we have to do in our life and certainly if you will not decide then time will decide and this time ...time will be no one else except those who knows that what their destines are. So here lies the difference we make our selves the slaves of time and further time sold us to the others who better know that how to work with time and on time.
So the debate is not over here as i am not putting only question ...though i certainly wanted to know that how many of us belongs to the first group of being driven rather to be in the group of the chariots. So fnds if you feel that at this age you have to achieve much more than that what you are having now ...come on Stand Up because this the time we can mitigate our faults up to some extent......as you have to fly and not fly ...we have to touch the sky also
All The Best
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