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Saturday, December 19, 2009

The New Year Resolution….

This post could be awarded as a senseless one when you think that after ten days of a new year why the post came into existence…much like the whirlling going on “Satyam” issue a thought came in mind why not begin with a new resoulution so that we will not commit a mistake as “Ramlingam Raju ” has committed.

Though if i tell the truth every year i had some reasons to start up with some of the new resolutions and quite a few reasons for breaking them just after a couple of days. Unprofessinal but true. Committing a committment is easy but fullfilling them is tough.

If we take a look arroud fealing ourself as a professionl then only one thing come up with the brightest way and that is fear. You talk about share market, you think about IT Industry, you have a look on political scenerio, you discuss about the global business .. anything and everthing is so much nasty that making a resolution is like going for a revolution. When the future is with question marks.. when your plans are in the analysis phase … when the scenerio is like a nightmare….. then what could be our new year resolution.

Elder and grown up used to say that in the situation like this when nothing is clear one thing should be clear and that is your mind of not getting worried.. not getting tensioned…. not getting illousionist and moreover anything it should not be getting blocked. Then only you can live the year over year with n numbers of new years and resolutions.

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