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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Path holes : In the way of dream

“Though i know this is not wrong decision still it is being proved to be wrong as many of us feels so”. This thought usually comes to all of us, just after a moment when we realize that we are living a pipe dream and reality is no more. Then the specialzed comment used to come , why you have done this , may be the other path was much suitable for you than this as that justifies you much, or other blh blh blh as a fighter will never mind these thoughts as it stimultes you to do more and much work but suddenly a shot came and unfortunately from the side which seems to be your’s only and ths shock is like this that now you can’t even put your counter view. Why this happened? Why those who believes to live in your supermecy and love they are becoming wild here plz dont misinterpret the word supremacy…

This is all due to the reason which i can felt is the nastyness of success which they and you haven’t and that makes them the power pack of opinions. Ok this is not the end of one’s dream to be the one who is all along acceptable.

So dreamers from my side all the best to you and long live dreams. But with a caution a dream is not a silly nightmare it can be the destiny if you feel it and if you want to make it realy big and real.

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