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Friday, November 22, 2013

Aam Aadmi Party --> A story written by us.... and Now probably stolen by them

The 2011 Indian anti-corruptionmovement was nowhere less than the movement of 1857. 

There were many similarities if i want to draw them, as it was a sudden movement, started by someone not much know till then, gained momentum, revolutionize the Entire country, Shown the ray of hope, invaded at last in a revolt which got Suppressed. 

It was AnnaHajare.. a name which Resonated throughout the world this time... we were seeing a Gandhi in him... a Gandhi of 2011

But what happened after 1857 ..Though with the lot of hopes... energy... direction...people ... support of the country ... we got Independence only in 1947 after 90 years with lots of fantastic leaders... external Impacts.. and world movements. Similar things are drawing up here ....

My god what was the year 2011-12 was we all were galvanized.. a 70+ year old person... along with many more activist were centrifugal force to this .. and yes the true replication of this was Mr Arvind Kejariwal... We all were seeing him as replication of our own anger/ energy/dreams/and vision of our India/My India.

They were selfless ppl fighting for national welfare.... asking something for everybody they fought..they fasted... the did every possible thing to make India together, India happy. But the momentum ended and then they decided to be decisive....movement ended in July 2012...

And India ? .... India Got nothing .... nothing except a hope ... two divided parties... two separate thoughts ... and leaders who were sitting together moving in different directions, people got dispersed, divided, with two different thought process :  
1. Anna with the same Idea as above still continuing the same old approach ... believing that this will happen some day 
2. Kejariwal with the idea of eye for eye... tid for tad tactics...Begin the path of Aggression.. and why not he saw the power of Youth in 2011 December ... and banking upon that.

If I look upon the reason why India did not got anything out of the movement i can think of that the reason was ... "My Lokpaal or No Lokpal" Understood there is no point of having something which is useless...i agree and accept in this case. But i can draw something more on that which many of readers may not like...

If Anna Team would have accepted something which Govt Was offering then with the thought of reviewing the Bill again .. and was ready to amend something in that.... then that would have been end of Anna Movement ... and Kejariwal's Dream.. which was never the Idea... at least not for Mr Kejariwal's team which then came our with the real and fantastic Idea and then Indian got a name ... AAP --> AAM AADMI PARTY a name which has changed it thoroughly..  with an ambition ..that yes i will have my part of the govt when i will see AAP ruling Delhi ... and then some day India.

Anyways .... Slowly gradually ... this party was building up... meeting with the people..fighting for the people.. and targeting something for the people.. but i must say patience is something which is crucial.... and critical also in such cases ..Suddenly an excessive ambition.. conglomeration....impatience erupted...
with the thought... i am the only best.... i am the only solution ... i am the one who can't wait for me able to adapt this... understand this ...what i want is the power now and then i will change everything... what ?... i don't know ... i don't care.. but please give a me a chance to prove it...

Yes they have a right to prove it .... they have a right to get a chance ...but my question is very simple ...where is the credibility ... what if the only dream which all Indians are sharing with AAP will get shattered... are we ready to wait for another 90 years... to get independence from corruption ... if not .. we need to ASK AAP that look ..understand... grow... get stronger... and not only on the basis comments " that they are bad. They did this bad... they did that bad ... " but also on the basis of comments "We are doing this good... that good... all good".

Then you will be torch bearer of Positive ... constructive politics.. and then when you say that look BJP is wrong.. congress is wrong... People will listen you other wise not  ..and in my opinion they should not. This not an era when people are blind followers... we may give 100 Crore to "Chennai Express" ... but you will get votes in a similar fashion is a tough task.

AAP it is my request and argument please refrain... refrain from those who are not good. We are already seeing parties carrying the liabilities of people... your party is not do not do that.. don't protect them who are not entitled for that... please... respect the opinion of people. Otherwise Indian People Make Heroes... and Zeros in a strike of wave....

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