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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Last "Culrav" of college life

So finally the day came which has brought the truth that vivek now you will no more enjoy the culture fest of college being a student :) and i am happy to accept it as me too don't want the same situation any more. My life is calling me hard and i am unable to resist it's voice. This time the greatest experience was, that i was fully a non competitive viewer who was seeing the things analyzing them and was living some cool life while watching someone very special outsider female participant :P .Though from the first day onwards my creativity was at the peak as i heard two of the much awaited icons of Hindi poetry Dr Kuwanr Bechain and Dr Kumar Vishwash and not only heard them but also met them, feel them and learned from them thanks to MNNIT allahabad.
होके मायुश न यूँ शाम से ढलते रहते रहिये
जींदगी भोर है सूरज से निकलते रहिये
एक ही थावं पे ठहरेगे तो थक जायेंगे
धीरे धीरे ही सही राह में चलते रहिये
These were the lines which really tells me the way that life should be moving as dynamism is the ingredient which makes living a reality. And may be i am some where losing that dynamism in my life. Ever time i have something special in my mind but this is the dynamism which putt's me at the back again.

So where is the flaw? Why in the wee hours only i feel that i have to wake up? Why sometimes winning is not my attitude? These are the questions which are generally the problem of all but all those who get the solution get the motion.

So i am again in the Que of dynamism let's see when i will get that?

Monday, February 18, 2008

A new line for you

Some new creations By me: vivek"Veeran"

पहले ये हाल था की गम हमें रुलाते थे
अब ये आलम है की हम गम को हंसा लेते हैं
मेरी तकदीर में मालूम नहीं लिखा क्या है
हम तो बस ख्वाब देखते हैं सजा लेते हैं |
हमको एहसास है लम्बी है डगर सूनी है
बस यही सोच कर रूठों को मना लेते हीं
मेरे अश्कों की कीमत यूँ तो जाने क्या रही होगी
वो तेरी याद थी जो कौदियौं में बह गए सारे...
अभी कुछ रोज पहले दोस्त थे हमराज थे मेरे
जरा सी रात क्या आई पराये हो गए सारे......
बड़ी बेजार दुनिया है बड़ी मतलब परस्ती है
वफ़ा और दोस्ती बस नाम बन कर रह गए प्यारे...
बड़ी मुदात से जिस लड़के को इस काबिल बनाया था
वो लड़के किस तरह रिशते भुला बैठे यहाँ सारे